Is Not About Replacing, It’s About Upgrading!

In short, NO!

In a recent episode of Last Week Tonight, with John Oliver, the issue of Automation was the ‘main story’

Throughout the segment, all I could think about is the resistance and push back that our company has received from the ‘legacy adjuster‘, thinking that we are trying to replace him/her.  

In that episode, Oliver did a much better job that I could of dissecting the transition from blue collar manufacturing to a more efficient automated workflow, requiring less and less human task, and replacing them with automated tasks.

Here is a chart from the Brookings Institute that illustrates the long-term trend. (Brookings Institute)

When looking at this graph I see the way that insurance claims process will unfold.  Increased overall efficiency with hyper specialized adjusters playing a critical, (non-replaceable role) as the conductor of this automated symphony.    

But if you look at the employment line, though it has reduced, it has not gone to zero.  It’s down by approximately 40%.

To the employer, that means cost savings.  To the adjuster, that means those who are good at their jobs, have indefinite employment.

Oliver pointed out that the jobs of the future will be ones that consist of ‘a series of non-routine tasks, that require social intelligence, complex critical thinking and creative problem solving’.  

If that is not the job definition for an adjuster, it should be!

So, the next logical question is… How?  

How do you increase productivity, while hyper-specializing our adjusters and continue to provide excellent customer service.

The answer, an integrated workflow solution that allows the adjuster to perform a series of non-routine tasks, that require social intelligence, complex critical thinking and creative problem solving.


If you would like to know how our innovative claim process can help you make effective real time decisions, maximize control and minimize costs relating to your claims. Click here to schedule a brief chat with me!

Would love to know your take on the topic, if you’d like to chat, once again you can set up a time right here.