Let’s face it… video is generally a better medium to tell stories than text and pictures. Video brings a moment alive, gives it context, emotion, and color.
We would even argue that video in its original format provides a truer version of actual events, because it’s now replicated in its true form.
Video combines multiple senses, visual and auditory, which makes for a more wholesome experience, which can impact the quality of insights and therefore meaning.
But this post is not about just video, but how video can impact the claims process in a more qualitative way.
If you’re interested in a deep dive about video as a way to best engage overall, check this post out.
But for now… Enter Big Bertha!
The biggest green screen in South Miami.
A place where stories about helping people in need get framed, created, and ultimately produced for the adjusters and examiners responsible for making important decisions about homes and families.
We also use Big Bertha to film our Learning Management System (LMS) series for inspectors, vendors, and adjusters.
Human capital is at the core of everything we do. We’re only as good as the people we work with. The better trained they are, the bigger the impact on the communities carriers serve.
Here’s a quick video of what happens here on a daily basis… Enjoy!
If you would like to know how our innovative claim process can help you make effective real time decisions, maximize control and minimize costs relating to your claims. Click here to schedule a brief chat with me or David!
Would love to know your take on the topic, if you’d like to chat, once again you can set up a time right here.

CMO at TelaClaims. Currently testing, tinkering, and breaking assumptions, hypothesis, and beliefs about what works and what doesn’t when growing a SaaS startup in the insurance space. Loves to swim, read, camping, pretty much all things outdoor! Claudio lives in South Florida with his wife and 3 boys.